Juan Ramón Rico

Juan Ramón Rico-Juan
Permanent Lecturer

  • Departament of Software and Computing Systems
  • JuanRamonRico[at]ua.es
  • +34 965 90 34 00 or +34 965 90 37 72 (ext. 2738)

Academic data


Interest Issues

  • Adaptive Learning Algorithms,
  • Ensemble Classifiers,
  • Edit Distances,
  • Dissimilarity Measures,
  • Prototypes Selection and Generation for Classification,
  • 2D contour regularities



Rico-Juan, J. R., Peña-Acuña, B., and Navarro-Martinez, O. (2024b). Holistic Exploration of Reading Comprehension Skills, Technology and Socioeconomic Factors in Spanish Teenagers. Heliyon, 10(12), (Impact Factor: 4 (4.1) - Q2 - 23/73). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)

Rico-Juan, J. R., Cachero, C., and Macià, H. (2024a). Study regarding the influence of a student’s personality and an LMS usage profile on learning performance using machine learning techniques. Applied Intelligence, pages 1–23, (Impact Factor: 5.3 (5.2) - Q2 - 48/145). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)

Valero-Mas, J. J., Gallego, A. J., and Rico-Juan, J. R. (2024). An overview of ensemble and feature learning in few-shot image classification using siamese networks. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(7):19929–19952, ( Impact Factor: 3.6 (3.1) - Q2 - 31/108). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)

Navarro-Soria, I., Rico-Juan, J. R., Juárez-Ruiz de Mier, R., and Lavigne-Cervan, R. (2024). Prediction of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder based on explainable artificial intelligence. Applied Neuropsychology: Child, 0(0):1–14, (Impact Factor: 1.7 (1.7) - Q3 - 58/81). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)


Cachero, C., Rico-Juan, J. R., and Macià, H. (2023). Influence of personality and modality on peer assessment evaluation perceptions using Machine Learning techniques. Expert Systems with Applications, 213:119150, (Impact Factor: 8.665 (8.093) - Q1 - 21/144(Open Access)). [ bib | DOI ] (+Abstract-)

Llorca-Schenk, J., Rico-Juan, J. R., and Sanchez-Lozano, M. (2023). Designing porthole aluminium extrusion dies on the basis of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence. Expert Systems with Applications, page 119808, (Impact Factor: 8.665 (8.093) - Q1 - 21/144). [ bib | DOI ] (+Abstract-)

Rico-Juan, J. R., Sánchez-Cartagena, V. M., Valero-Mas, J. J., and Gallego, A. J. (2023). Identifying Student Profiles Within Online Judge Systems Using Explainable Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 16(6):955–969, (Impact Factor: 4.433 (4.414) - Q2 - 41/112). [ bib | DOI ] (+Abstract-)


Oliver-Roig, A., Rico-Juan, J. R., Richart-Martínez, M., and Cabrero-García, J. (2022). Predicting exclusive breastfeeding in maternity wards using Machine Learning techniques. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, page 106837, (Impact Factor: 5.428(Q1) 22/111 - JCR). [ bib | DOI ] (+Abstract-)

Gallego, A. J., Rico-Juan, J. R., and Valero-Más, J. J. (2022). Efficient k-nearest neighbor search based on clustering and adaptive k values. Pattern Recognition, 122:108356, (Impact Factor: 7.740 - Q1 - 17/140 - JCR). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)


Cabrero‑García, J., Rico‑Juan, J. R., and Oliver‑Roig, A. (2021). Does the global activity limitation indicator measure participation restriction? Data from the European Health and Social Integration Survey in Spain. Quality of Life Research, (Impact Factor: 4.147 (4.072) - Q1 - JCR). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)

Ortega-Bastida, J., Gallego, A. J., Rico-Juan, J. R., and Albarrán, P. (2021). A multimodal approach for regional GDP prediction using social media activity and historical information. Applied Soft Computing, 111:107693, (Impact Factor: 5.472 - Q1 - 20/137 - JCR). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)

Rico-Juan, J. R., Cachero, C., and Macià, H. (2021). Influence of individual versus collaborative peer assessment on score accuracy and learning outcomes in higher education: an empirical study. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, pages 1–18, (Impact Factor: 4.984 - Q1 - 17/264 - JCR (Social Science)). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)

Rico-Juan, J. R. and Taltavull de La Paz, P. (2021). Machine learning with explainability or spatial hedonics tools? An analysis of the asking prices in the housing market in Alicante, Spain. Expert Systems with Applications, 171:114590, (Impact Factor: 6.954 - Q1 - 23/140 - JCR (Open Access)). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)


Gallego, A. J., Calvo-Zaragoza, J., and Rico-Juan, J. R. (2020). Insights into efficient k-Nearest Neighbor classification with Convolutional Neural Codes. IEEE Access, 8:99312–99326, (Impact Factor: 3.367 - Q2 - 65/162 - JCR (Open Access)). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)

Rico-Juan, J. R., Valero-Mas, J. J., and Iñesta, J. M. (2020). Bounding Edit Distance for similarity-based sequence classification on Structural Pattern Recognition. Applied Soft Computing, 97:106778, (Impact Factor: 6.725 - Q1 - 11/112 - JCR). [ bib ] (+Abstract-)

Calvo-Zaragoza, J., Rico-Juan, J. R., and Gallego, A. J. (2020). Ensemble classification from deep predictions with test data augmentation. Soft Computing, 24(2):1423–1433, (Impact Factor: 3.643 - Q2 - 49/140 - JCR). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)


Rico-Juan, J. R. and Valero-Mas, J. J. Calvo-Zaragoza, J. (2019). Extensions to rank-based prototype selection in k-Nearest Neighbour classification. Applied Soft Computing, 85(105803), (Impact Factor: 4.873 - Q1 - JCR). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)

Rico-Juan, J. R., Gallego, A. J., and Calvo-Zaragoza, J. (2019). Automatic detection of inconsistencies between numerical scores and textual feedback in peer-assessment processes with machine learning. Computers & Education, 140(103609), (Impact Factor: 4.538 - Q1 - JCR). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)


Rico-Juan, J. R., Gallego, A. J., Valero-Mas, J. J., and Calvo-Zaragoza, J. (2018). Statistical semi-supervised system for grading multiple peer-reviewed open-ended works. Computers & Education, 126(1):264–282, (Impact Factor: 4.538 - Q1 - JCR). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)

Castellanos, F. J., Valero-Mas, J. J., Calvo-Zaragoza, J., and Rico-Juan, J. R. (2018). Oversampling imbalanced data in the string space. Pattern Recognition Letters, 103:32–38, (Impact Factor: 1.995 - Q2 - JCR). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)

Gallego, A. J., Calvo-Zaragoza, J., Valero-Mas, J. J., and Rico-Juan, J. R. (2018). Clustering-based k-Nearest Neighbor Classification for Large-Scale Data with Neural Codes Representation. Pattern Recognition, 74(1):531–543, (Impact Factor: 5.898(Q1) 14/134 - JCR). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)

Calvo-Zaragoza, J., Valero-Mas, J. J., and Rico-Juan, J. R. (2017b). Recognition of Handwritten Music Symbols using Meta-features Obtained from Weak Classifiers based on Nearest Neighbor. In ICPRAM, pages 96–104. [ bib | DOI | http ]


Valero-Mas, J. J., Calvo-Zaragoza, J., and Rico-Juan, J. R. (2017b). Selecting promising classes from generated data for an efficient multi-class Nearest Neighbor classification. Soft Computing, 21(20):6183–6189, (Impact Factor: 2.367 - Q2 - 45/132 - JCR). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)

Valero-Mas, J. J., Calvo-Zaragoza, J., and Rico-Juan, J. R. (2017a). An Experimental Study on Rank Methods for Prototype Selection. Soft Computing, 21(19):5703–5715, (Impact Factor: 2.367 - Q2 - JCR). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)

Calvo-Zaragoza, J., Valero-Mas, J. J., and Rico-Juan, J. R. (2017a). Prototype Generation on Structural Data using Dissimilarity Space Representation. Neural Computing and Applications, 28(9):2415–2424, ( Impact Factor: 4.213 - Q1 - JCR). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)


Valero-Mas, J. J., Calvo-Zaragoza, J., and Rico-Juan, J. R. (2016). On the suitability of Prototype Selection methods for kNN classification with distributed data. Neurocomputing, 203:150–160, (Impact Factor: 2.392 - Q1 - JCR). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)


Calvo-Zaragoza, J., Valero-Mas, J. J., and Rico-Juan, J. R. (2015). Improving kNN multi-label classification in Prototype Selection scenarios using class proposals. Pattern Recognition, 48(5):1608–1622, (Impact Factor: 3.096 - Q1 - JCR). [ bib | DOI | http ] (+Abstract-)

Rico-Juan, J. R. and Calvo-Zaragoza, J. (2015). Improving classification using a Confidence Matrix based on weak classifiers applied to OCR. Neurocomputing, 151:1354–1361, (Impact Factor: 2.392 - Q1 - JCR). [ bib | http ] (+Abstract-)


Rico-Juan, J. R. and Iñesta, J. M. (2014). Adaptive training set reduction for nearest neighbor classification. Neurocomputing, 38(1):316–324, (Impact Factor: 2.083 - Q2 - JCR). [ bib | http ] (+Abstract-)

Abreu, J. and Rico-Juan, J. R. (2014). A New Iterative Algorithm for Computing a Quality Approximated Median of Strings based on Edit Operations. Pattern Recognition Letters, 36:74–80, (Impact Factor: 1.551 - Q2 - JCR). [ bib ] (+Abstract-)


Abreu, J. and Rico-Juan, J. R. (2013). An improved fast edit approach for two-string approximated mean computation applied to OCR. Pattern Recognition Letters, 34(5):496—504, (Impact Factor: 1.226 - Q2 - JCR). [ bib | http ] (+Abstract-)


Rico-Juan, J. R. and Iñesta, J. M. (2012a). Confidence voting method ensemble applied to off-line signature verification. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 15(2):113–120, (Impact Factor: 0.814 - Q3 - JCR). [ bib ] (+Abstract-)

Rico-Juan, J. R. and Iñesta, J. M. (2012b). New rank methods for reducing the size of the training set using the nearest neighbor rule. Pattern Recognition Letters, 33(5):654–660, (Impact Factor: 1.226 - Q2 - JCR). [ bib | http ] (+Abstract-)


Abreu, J. and Rico-Juan, J. R. (2011). Characterization of contour regularities based on the Levenshtein edit distance. Pattern Recognition Letters, 32:1421–1427, (Impact Factor: 1.034 - Q3 - JCR). [ bib ] (+Abstract-)


Rico-Juan, J. R. and Abreu, J. I. (2010). A new editing scheme based on a fast two-string median computation applied to OCR. In Hancok, E. R., Wilson, R. C., Ilkay, T. W., and Escolano, F., editors, Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, number 6218 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 748–756. Springer. [ bib ] (+Abstract-)


Rico-Juan, J. R. (2009). Creating synchronised presentations for mobile devices using open source tools. In Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems and e-Government, pages 50–52, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. CSREA Press. [ bib | .pdf ] (+Abstract-)

Abreu, J. I. and Rico-Juan, J. R. (2009). Contour regularity extraction based on string edit distance. In Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. IbPRIA 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 160–167, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. Springer. [ bib | .pdf ] (+Abstract-)


Rico-Juan, J. R. and Iñesta, J. M. (2007). Normalisation of Confidence Voting Methods Applied to a Fast Handwritten OCR Classification. In Kurzynski, M., Puchala, E., Wozniak, M., and Zolnierek, A., editors, Computer Recognition Systems 2, number 45 in Advances in Soft Computing, pages 405–412, Wroclaw, Poland. Springer. [ bib | .pdf ] (+Abstract-)

Rico-Juan, J. R. and Carrasco, R. C. (2007b). How to do easy video presentaions using open source tools. In International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED), volume 1, pages 30–31, Valencia, (Spain). International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). [ bib | http ] (+Abstract-)

Rico-Juan, J. R. and Carrasco, R. C. (2007a). How to create an efficient audiovisual slide presenter. In IADAT-e2007. 4th. IADAT Interntional Conference on Education, volume 1, pages 40–43, Palma de Mallorca, (Spain). International Association for the Development of Advances in Technology (IADAT). [ bib ] (+Abstract-)


Rico-Juan, J. R. and Iñesta, J. M. (2006a). Edit Distance for Ordered Vector Sets: A Case of Study. In Yeung, D., Kwok, J. T., Fred, A., Roli, F., and de Ridder, D., editors, Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, number 4109 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 200–207, Hong Kong, China. Springer. [ bib | .pdf ] (+Abstract-)

Rico-Juan, J. R. and Iñesta, J. M. (2006b). An edit distance for ordered vector sets with application to character recognition, volume 1, chapter 4, pages 54–62. Computer Vision Center. [ bib | .ps ] (+Abstract-)


Rico-Juan, J. R., Calera-Rubio, J., and Carrasco, R. C. (2005). Smoothing and Compression with Stochastic k-testable Tree Languages. Pattern Recognition, 38(9):1420–1430, (Impact Factor: 2.607 - Q1 - JCR). [ bib ] (+Abstract-)


Rico-Juan, J. R. and Micó, L. (2004). Finding significant points for a handwritten classification task. In Campilho, A. and Kamel, M., editors, International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, number 3211 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 440–446, Porto, Portugal. Springer. [ bib | .pdf ] (+Abstract-)


Rico-Juan, J. R. and Micó, L. (2003b). Some Results about the Use of Tree/String Edit Distances in a Nearest Neighbour Classification Task. In Goos, G., Hartmanis, J., and van Leeuwen, J., editors, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, number 2652 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 821–828, Puerto Andratx, Mallorca, Spain. Springer. [ bib | .pdf ] (+Abstract-)

Carrasco, R. C. and Rico-Juan, J. R. (2003). A similarity between probabilistic tree languages: application to XML document families. Pattern Recognition, 36(9), (Impact Factor: 1.611 - Q1 - JCR). [ bib ] (+Abstract-)

Rico-Juan, J. R. and Micó, L. (2003a). Comparison of AESA and LAESA search algorithms using string and tree edit distances. Pattern Recognition Letters, 24(9):1427–1436, (Impact Factor: 0.809 - Q3 () - JCR). [ bib | .pdf ] (+Abstract-)


Rico-Juan, J. R., Calera-Rubio, J., and Carrasco, R. C. (2002). Stochastic k-testable Tree Languages and Applications. In Adriaans, P., Fernau, H., and van Zaanen, M., editors, Grammatical Inference: Algorithms and Applications. ICGI 2002, number 2484 in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 199–212, Amsterdam (Nederland). Springer-Verlag. [ bib ] (+Abstract-)

Rico-Juan, J. R. and Calera-Rubio, J. (2002). Evaluation of handwritten character recognizers using tree-edit-distance and fast nearest neighbour search. In Iñesta, J. M. and Micó, L., editors, Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 326–335, Alicante (Spain). ICEIS PRESS. [ bib | .pdf ] (+Abstract-)


Rico-Juan, J. R. (2001). Inferencia estocástica y aplicaciones de los lenguajes de árboles. PhD thesis, Universidad de Alicante, Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos. [ bib | .pdf ] (+Abstract-)


Rico-Juan, J. R., Calera-Rubio, J., and Carrasco, R. C. (2000b). Probabilistic k-testable tree-language. In Oliveira, A. L., editor, Proceedings of 5th International Colloquium, volume 1891 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 221–228, Lisboa (Portugal). Springer-Verlag. [ bib | .ps.gz | .pdf ] (+Abstract-)

Rico-Juan, J. R., Calera-Rubio, J., and Carrasco, R. C. (2000a). Lossless compression of surfaces described as points. In Ferri, F. J., Iñesta, J. M., Amin, A., and Pudil, P., editors, Advances in Pattern Recognition, volume 1876 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 457–461, Berlin. Springer-Verlag. [ bib ] (+Abstract-)


Rico-Juan, J. R. (1999b). Off-line cursive handwritten word recognition based on tree extraction and an optimized classification distance. In Torres, M. I. and Sanfeliu, A., editors, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Proceedings of the VII Symposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes, volume 3, pages 15–16, Bilbao (Spain). [ bib | .ps.gz | .pdf ] (+Abstract-)

Rico-Juan, J. R. (1999a). Esquemas Algorítmicos. Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante. [ bib ] (+Abstract-)

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