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Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics Universitat d'Alacant E-03071 Alacant
Adreça electrònica:




Universitat d'Alacant

Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics

Projecte Apertium

Associació Europea per a la Traducció Automàtica


Gamblr-CAT: Software for word-level quality estimation in computer aided translation based on translation memories. This software allows to obtain binary quality estimations at the level of words (also called word-keeping recommendations) for translation suggestions produced by a translation memory tool by using either statistical word alignments or external sources of bilingual information.

Gamblr-MT: Software for word-level quality estimation in machine translation. This is a collection of scripts that allow to obtain a collection of features for word-level quality estimation using external sources of bilingual information.

Bitextor: Software for building parallel data from multilingual websites. This tool is able to create a parallel corpus from a multilingual website by using only a bilingual lexicon.

OmegaT-SessionLog: Plugin for tracking the actions of a translator when using the computer aided translation based on translation memories tool OmegaT. This plugin creates an XML session log containing all the actions taken by the translation using this tool.

OmegaT-Marker-Plugin: Plugin for OmegaT that implements the heuristic word-level quality estimation system. This plguin allows to apply some of the methods implemented in Gamblr-CAT for word-level quality estimation in translation memories.

Flyligner: Word-alignment software based on external sources of bilingual information.