The Latest Releases of the Spanish Prog

Released: 2010
Label: Arabiand Rock (Spain)


Track list:

  1. Suite


  • Fernando Carmona: guitars and vocals
  • Jesús Carmona: keyboards and vocals
  • Juan Falero: bass and vocals
  • Juan Carlos Nieto: drums and vocals

El sonido de Khorus era entre c&óacute;smico y sinfónico, con improvisaciones de guitarras y teclados. Grabaron Suite en 1975 en el estudio PlaySur studios en una sola toma sin correcciones ni efectos, aunque ha sido publicado ahora por Arabiand Rock en 2010. La Suite está estructurada en 10 partes y dura 24 minutos.

(Escrito por Rafa Tardío)

Khorus' sound was between cosmic and symphonic, with guitar and keyboard improvisations. They recorded Suite in 1975 at PlaySur studio in a single take, although it has been published now by Arabiand Rock in 2010. It is structured in 10 parts and lasts for 24 minutes.

(Written by Rafa Tardío)

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