Juan Carlos Trujillo Mondéjar
Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Universidad de Alicante
C/ San Vicente S/N. 03690 Alicante (SPAIN)
Tel. +34 96 590.34.00 ext 2967
Fax +34 96 590.93.26

Juan Trujillo is a Full-time Professor at the Department of Software and Computing Systems in the University of Alicante (Spain). His main research topics include business intelligence applications, data warehouses' development, data base conceptual modeling, OLAP, data mining, UML, MDA, data warehouses security and quality, etc. He has advised 9 PhD students and published more than a 120 research works in different national and international highly impact conferences such as the ER, UML, ADBIS or CaiSE, and more than 30 papers in highly ranked international journals indexed by JCR such as the DKE, DSS, ISOFT, IS, or JDBM. He has also been co-editor of five special issues in different JCR journals (e.g. DKE, DSS, or ISOFT). He has also been part of the Program Committee of different events and JCR journals such as ER, DAWAK, CIKM, ICDE, DOLAP, DSS, JDM, KAIS, ISOFT, JOD o DKE. He has been Program Committee Chair of DOLAP'05, DAWAK'05 and DAWAK'06 and he is the founder of the FP-UML Workshop, held in conjunction with the ER conference since 2005.

Further information on his main research publications can be found on:

Further information on his research activities within the Lucentia Research Group that he leaders at

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