The Latest Releases of the Spanish Prog

"Ghost Magnet"
Released: 2014
Label: self-released

Ghost Magnet

Track list:

  1. Ghost Magnet
  2. Encounter
  3. Nightmare
  4. Invisible War
  5. One Simple Idea
  6. The Shaft Of Secrets
  7. Not Enough
  8. Revolutionizing The Future


  • Fernando Leal : vocals and guitars
  • Carles Esquembre : bass
  • Luismi Tormo : percussion
  • César Navarro : keyboards

“Ghost Magnet“ ha sido grabado en los estudios PMStudio de Murcia con la producción de la propia banda y la mezcla y proceso de ingeniería de Pepe Moreno, con mastering de María del Mar Soto.

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"Ghost Magnet" was recorded in Murcia PMStudio with the production of the band and the mixing and engineering processes by Pepe Moreno, with mastering by María del Mar Soto.

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