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 Gentle Giant : "Knots"

En LCDM#320 y en LCDM#327 les comparti ampliamente las referencias de la
obra "Gargantua y Pantagruel" del escritor frances Francois Rabelais
(1494-1553) que motivaron a los GIGANTES GENTILES para componer
Pantagruel's Nativity y The Advent of Panurge. Uffff, hace mas de 2 anyos.

En esta ocasion me referire a Knots con unas pequenyas elucubraciones

Ah, lo olvidaba: Saludos a todos los cajeros del mundo, sean
gentleianos o


All in all each man in all men
All men in each man.

He can see she can't, she can see
she can
see whatever, whatever.

You may know what I don't know,
but not that
I don't know it and I can't tell you
so you will.

To tell me all man in all men
All men in each man.

He can see she can't, she can see
she can
see whatever, whatever.

You may know what I don't know,
but not that
I don't know it and I can't tell you
so you will have to tell me all.

It hurts him to think that she is
hurting her by him being hurt to think
that she thinks he is hurt by making her
feel guilty at hurting him by her thinking
she wants him to want her.Her wants
her to
want him to get him to want him to get
him to want her she pretends.

He tries to make her afraid by not
being afraid. (permutations)

You may know what I don't know, but not
that I don't know it and I can't
tell you so you will have to tell
me all.

I get what I deserve.I deserve what I
get.I have it so I deserve it. I deserve
it for I have it.I get what I deserve.

What I deserve - what I deserve what
I get.

I have it so I deserve.

He tries to make her afraid by not
being afraid.

En el librito de "Octopus", para la rola "Knots" los Gigantes Gentiles
pusieron el siguiente texto:

Shakesperare diria: "R. D. Laing, an eminent psychologist, has stimulated
us by his intriguing, logical, poetic riddles into composing this
latter-day madrigal - and somethimg of a musical jigsaw".

Cervantes diria: "R. D. Laing, eminente psicologo, nos ha estimulado con
sus seductores y logicos y poeticos acertijos al componer este madrigal de
tiempos actuales - y algo de vaivenes musicales".

No he encontrado esos seductores y logicos y poeticos acertijos (riddles)
que se mencionan, pero me encontre con un texto que YO CREO QUE BIEN
componer "Knots". Eso creo no lo se. LO MAS SEGURO ES QUE ESTE A ANYOS LUZ
DE LAS VERDADERAS MOTIVACIONES de los Gigantes Gentiles al componer KNOTS.

Son unos extractos de un texto que me encontre en:

The Politics of Experience
R. D. Laing (1967)

Shakesperare diria: The other person's behaviour is an experience of

My behaviour is an experience of the other. The task of social
phenomenology is to relate my experience of the other's behaviour to the
other's experience of my behaviour. Its study is the relation between
experience and experience: its true field is inter-experience.

I see you, and you see me. I experience you, and you experience me. I see
your behaviour. You see my behaviour. But I do not and never have and
never will see your experience of me. Just as you cannot "see" my experience
of you. My experience of you is not "inside" me. It is simply you, as I
experience you.

Los Gigantes Gentiles dirian: You may know what I don't know, but not
that I
don't know it and I can't tell you so you will.

Cervantes diria: El comportamiento de otro es una experiencia mia. Mi
comportamiento es una experiencia de otro. La labor de la fenomenologia
social es relacionar mi experiencia del comportamiento de otros con la
experiencia de otros, de mi comportamiento. Su estudio es la relacion
entre experiencia y experiencia: su campo de verdad es la inter-experiencia.

Te veo, tu me ves. Te experimento y tu me experimentas. Veo tu
comportamiento. Ves mi comportamiento. Pero no veo, ni nunca tengo, ni
nunca vere tu experiencia de mi. Como tu no puedes "ver" mi experiencia de
ti. Mi experiencia de ti no esta "dentro" de mi. Simplemente eres, tu, como
te experimento.

Shakesperare diria: "My experience of you" is just another form of words
for "you-as-l-experience-you", and "your experience of me" equals
"me-as-you-experience-me". Your experience of me is not inside you and my
experience of you is not inside me, but your experience of me is invisible
to me and my experience of you is invisible to you. I cannot experience
your experience. You cannot experience my experience. We are both
invisible men. All men are invisible to one another. Experience used to be
called The Soul.

Los Gigantes Gentiles dirian: You may know what I don't know, but not that
I don't know it and I can't tell you so you will, TO TELL ME ALL.

Cervantes diria: "Mi experiencia de ti" solo es otra forma de decir "tu,
como yo te experimento", y "tu experiencia de mi" es lo mismo que "yo,
como tu me experimentas". Tu experiencia de mi no esta dentro de ti y mi
experiencia de ti no esta dentro de mi, pero tu experiencia de mi es
invisible para mi y mi experiencia de ti es invisible para ti.

Yo no puedo experimentar tu experiencia. Tu no puedes experimentar mi
experiencia. Ambos somos invisibles. Todos somos invisibles a otros. La
experiencia suele llamarse El Alma.

Shakesperare diria: I cannot avoid trying to understand your experience,
because although I do not experience your experience, which is invisible
to me (and non-tastable, non-touchable, non-smellable, and inaudible), yet
I experience you as experiencing. I do not experience your experience.

But I experience you as experiencing. I experience myself as experienced
by you. And I experience you as experiencing yourself as experienced by me.

And so on.

Los Gigantes Gentiles dirian: You may know what I don't know, but not that
I don't know it and I can't tell you so you will.

Cervantes diria: No puedo evitar intentar de entender tu experiencia,
porque aunque no experimento tu experiencia, la cual es invisible a mi
(no-saboreable, intocable, no-olible (jejeje) e inaudible), te experimento
como experiencia.

Yo no experimento tu experiencia. Pero te experimento como experiencia. Yo
me experimento a mi mismo como experimentado por ti. Y yo te experimento
como experiencia de ti mismo como experimentado por mi. Y asi

Los Gigantes Gentiles dirian: I get what I deserve. I deserve what I get.

I have it so I deserve it. I deserve it for I have it. I get what I

What I deserve - what I deserve what I get. I have it so I deserve. He
tries to make her afraid by not being afraid.

  • - - - -

En mi epoca de estudiante, alla en los 70s, cuando los Gigantes Gentiles
Progresivos poblaban el planeta y sin yo saberlo, lleve un curso de medio
anyo de Psicologia en la que vimos unos riddles de este tipo. No se si R.


Laing sea el unico (lo dudo) en estos menesteres. No se si alguna vez vi
unos riddles de R. D. Laing sin yo estar consciente de que era
precisamente el R. D. Laing que estimulo a los Gentle Giant. Tal vez, no lo

?Algun cajero, relacionado con la psicologia o con la poesia, tendra
mas detalles de los "intriguing, logical, poetic riddles riddles" que
mencionan los Gigantes Gentiles?. Desde ya, lo agradecere infinitamente.

Esos riddles me los imagino, no lo se, como la letra de Knots, como
poesias, y mostrando el rigor cientifico-poetico de R. D. Laing que, yo
creo, debe tener.

Saludos desde Mexico, DF
Alberto Benitez Baena
Junio 27, 2004

Creada en 1997. ©José Manuel Iñesta. Alojada en el Depto. de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos de la Universidad de Alicante, España.
