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Grammars provide a way to define languages by giving a finite set of rules that describe how the valid strings may be constructed. A grammar $G$ consists of: an alphabet $\Sigma$ of terminal symbols or terminals, a finite set of variables $V$, a set of rewrite rules $P$ or productions, and a start symbol $S$ (a variable):


Rewrite rules or productions consist of a left-hand side $\alpha$ and a right-hand side $\beta$: $\alpha\rightarrow\beta$. Their meaning is: replace $\alpha$ with $\beta$.

Left-hand sides $\alpha$ are strings over $V\cup \Sigma$, containing at least one variable from $V$: $\alpha\in
(V\cup\Sigma)^*V(V\cup\Sigma)^*$. 5.1 Right-hand sides are strings over $V\cup \Sigma$: $\beta\in (V\cup\Sigma)^*$

The grammar generates strings in $\Sigma^*$ by applying rewrite rules to the start symbol $S$ until no variables are left. Each time a rule is applied, a new sentential form (string of variables from $V$ and terminals from $\Sigma$) is produced. For each rule $\alpha\rightarrow\beta$, any occurence of a left-hand side $\alpha$ as a subscript of the sentential form may be substituted by $\beta$ to form a new sentential form.

The language generated by the grammar, $L(G)$, is the set of all strings that may be generated in that way. Recursive rewrite rules, that is, those which have the same variable in both the left-hand and the right-hand side of a rule lead to infinite languages (if the grammar has no useless symbols).5.2

As an example, consider the following grammar,

\begin{displaymath}G = (V,\Sigma,P,S)\end{displaymath}

\begin{displaymath}V = \{ S, A \}\end{displaymath}

\begin{displaymath}\Sigma = \{ {\tt a}, {\tt m}, {\tt o}, {\tt t} \}\end{displaymath}

\begin{displaymath}P = \left\{ \begin{array}{rrcl}
(1) & S & \rightarrow & {\tt...
...a} \\
(3) & A & \rightarrow & {\tt ma}A
\end{array} \right\}\end{displaymath}

which generates the language

\begin{displaymath}L(G)=\{ {\tt tomato}, {\tt tomamato}, {\tt tomamamato} \ldots \}.\end{displaymath}

The generation of the string tomamamato would proceed as follows:

\begin{displaymath}S \Rightarrow_1 {\tt to}A{\tt to} \Rightarrow_3 {\tt toma}A{\...
...htarrow_3 {\tt tomama}A{\tt to}
\Rightarrow_2 {\tt tomamamato}\end{displaymath}

where the subscripted arrows refer to the application of particular rules in $G$.

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Debian User 2002-01-21