The Latest Releases of the Spanish Prog

 "El Viaje"
 Released: 1998
 Label: (Self-produced)

El Viaje

Track list:

  1. Oba (3:53)
  2. Petra (3:54)
  3. Boreal (5:17)
  4. Horizontes (2:29)
  5. La Isla (7:56)
  6. El Viaje (10:07)


  • Ezequiel Rodríguez: guitars and programming
  • Germán Betancor: keyboards and programming
  • Juanma Cuadrado: drums and percussion
  • Charly Moreno: bass

Realmente, al plantearnos nuestra musica con esta libertad que lo hacemos, queremos ser fieles a nuestra concepcion de la musica. Nuestra musica tiene una especie de componente esoterico o mistico que le da ese cierto aire a lo que se ha dado en llamar new age, pero tambien llevamos la musica potente en la sangre. Por esto el resultado tiene esos sonidos cercanos al heavy metal. De hecho alguien ha dicho que lo que hacemos se llama "metal new age"...bueno, ahi queda eso...

(Escrito por Ezequiel Rodríguez)

Actually, since our approach to music is totally free, we want to be faithfull to our conception of music. Our music has a sort of electric or mystic component that provides it of a kind of ambience that has been usually named "new age", but we also got the powerfull music in our blood. Beacuse of this, the outcome has sometimes sounds close to heavy metal. In fact, someone has said that we do is called "new age metal"... Well, there it is...

(Written by Ezequiel Rodríguez)

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