La Caja de Música Letras
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  COMUS: "First Utterance" (1971)



Lust he follows virtue close
Through the steaming woodlands
His darkened blood through bulging veins
Through the steaming woodlands
Virtue knows he follows softly
Through the steaming woodlands
Travel light the deathly shudder
Down the leafy pathway
The dim light she comes peering through the forest pines
And she knows by the sound of the baying, by the baying of the hounds
Diana Diana kick your feet up
Lust bears his teeth and whines
For he's picked up the scent of virtue
And he knows the panic signs
Lust cries running with his eyes the white-clad figure fleeting
Mud burns his eyes but desire burns his mind
Fear in her eyes as the forest grins through the steaming woodlands
Lust now his soul destroyed with enmity disarmed


As a single star glides swiftly down the night
A soft wetting note issues from the time worn flute
Frowning slightly the herald listens wistful across the night
And from way back behind the day comes the echoed answer
The day advances oh so softly his shadow lengthens and his voice is mute

But clear his flute and sadly walks forward followed by the day
Herald of morning walks across the earth eternally
And somewhere in the black distance
Another herald puts down his flute
And the dewy dawn creeps on
And the night withdraws


You dangling swinging
Hanging spinning aftermath
Your soft white flesh turns past me slaked with blood
Your evil eyes more damning than a Demon’s curse
Your lovely body soon caked with mud
As I carry you to your grave my arms your hearse
You stand before me defenceless
Your stare-unchanging silent, cold, intense sears my brain
Drip drip from your sagging lip
Liquid red down your body spread
Your soft breast glistens your deep navel fountains
Your shadow over chair like a plane over mountains
In a clearing where the sunrays dance amongst the forest’s dense secrets

You will softly rest your pale beauty enshrined by the sweet glade
Your body at peace even the earth will till the crack where entered my
Yea, shall I cut you down
Yes 'twould be a last physical communion
I'll be gentle and not hurt you


Bright the sunlight summer day Comus wakes he starts to play
Virgin fair smiles so sweet Comus's heart begins to beat
Rise up Comus sing your song bewitch the maiden the day is long
Cast your spell sweet music crack her virtuous shell
Enchanted damsel curious ear Comus music dispel all fear
Dainty feet they skip so light Comus laughs soon comes the night
Through the forest dark and deep she follows Comus' dancing feet
He moves away the mossy stone reveals the cave Comus’home
Comus glare, Comus stare, Comus bare,
Comus rape, Comus break sweet young virgin's virtue take
Naked flesh flowing hair her terror screams they cut the air
Come the sunlight summer day Comus wakes he starts to play
Chastity chaser virile for the virgin's virtue
Excite her exciter you better go before you bleed and he hurts you
He chased the chaste you better leave if you value your virtue
Virgin fair smiles so sweet Comus' heart begins to beat
Enchanted damsel curious ear Comus music dispel all fear
Through the forest dark she follow Comus' dancing feet
He moves away the mossy stone reveals the cave Comus' home
Misty air, Comus glare, Comus bare
Chastity chaser virile for the virgin's virtue
Excite her exciter you better go before you bleed and he hurts you
He chased the chaste you better leave if you value your virtue
Hymen hunter, hands of steel, crack you open and your red flesh peel
Pain procurer, eyes of fire pierce your womb and push still higher
Comus rape, Comus break sweet young virgin's virtue take
Naked flesh flowing hair her terror screams they cut the air
Comes the sunlight summer day Comus wakes he starts to play


The wolf's laugh eerie cracks the humid night air
The rabbit freezes the fox in his lair
The owl hoots shrilly searching the dark
The moon white fangs through the trees tall and stark
Who would emerge on a night like this
Who would loose his bonds and greet the air with a hiss
The battered Christian bows his head in despair
The crown of sharp thorns revealed 'neath his hair
His scrawny body worn thin by the trial
Stands taut and painful on the pilgrim's last mile
A million fleshy things converge upon the spot
His eyes retort the atmosphere is hot
The wolf sniffs ivory fanged he bristles up his spine
The fox smiles knowingly but dares not step out of line
Through the twisting crashing silence the broken Christian creeps
Each footstep like a thunderclap amongst the trunky deeps
No bird makes sound no creature moves to break the gripping air
The Christian he raises his hands up to his mouth for a whisper he cannot dare

The Christian wakes trembling with sweat the cell's dark walls stony and wet
Metallic echoes as the bolts are drawn back
The door swings inwards dull light through the crack
The jailer looks indifferent to him
A routine morning martyr's death for him
A misty cold sad morning greets the Christian's haggard grin
The rope is slung and the noose is tied but the Christian's neck is thin

The block is raised he stands erect the rope beneath his chin
They pull the block and the Christian drops he hangs above the sin



I was mad and was accepted for treatment at a hospital
for the mentally sick
I was wild and introvert wandering alone in the night
I would scream and rage should someone disturb my peace
So they took me away and they put me here alone in my silent privacy
Then they gave me shock treatment
And when I awoke I was numb and remembered nothing
Probe me mould me reassemble my brain
Schizoid paranoid just terms just names
Why can't you leave me don't drive me insane
Your minds analyze me, your eyes penetrate me
Illusions, confusions, I'm frightened, I'm helpless
Please leave me I long to be free
I lie alone unable to remember
No face no name no eyes my brain just an ember
Kindle me protect my barren matter
Whose seeds may propagate yet still may shatter
They have emptied my head of its dreaming
Like paper out of a waste bin
And I yearn to be free
Cold is the climate dark is the atomic night
Searching and hoping guarding my mind from your sight
Your evil eyes watch me your evil hands touch me they're cold
I can stand prison but even my conscious you hold
Let me be
Set me free

Bueno espero que les guste el disco

Manuel da Achada

LCDM creada en 1997. ©José Manuel Iñesta. Alojada en el Depto. de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos de la Universidad de Alicante, España.
