Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics


Títol:Semi-supervised vs. cross-domain graph-based learning for sentiment classification Importa'l al teu calendari:
Per:Dra. Natalia Ponomareva
Lloc:Claude Shannon
Dia/hora:12.30 24/02/2016
Duració aproximada:1:30 hores
Persona de contacte:

Gómez Soriano, José Manuel ( )
Hola a todos:

Os mando esta noticia para recordaros el seminario que dará Natalia Ponomareva,
de la Universidad de Wolverhampton este miércoles a las 12.30 pero, además,
para corregir el lugar, que será en la Claude Shannon. La descripción de la
charla es:

Sentiment analysis has been intensively researched in the last ten years, but
there are still many issues to be addressed. One of the problems is the lack of
labelled data to carry out precise supervised sentiment classification. In
response, research has moved towards developing semi-supervised and
cross-domain techniques. In this talk I analyse and compare both techniques
in the graph-based framework. First, I present one of the most popular and
widely used graph-based algorithm called label propagation together with its
modifications. Second, a sentiment similarity metric used for constructing
sentiment graphs is introduced. Finally, I compare the performance of
graph-based algorithms in cross-domain and semi-supervised settings and propose
recommendations for selecting the most pertinent learning approach given the
data available. The recommendations are based on two domain characteristics,
domain similarity and domain complexity, which have a significant impact on
semi-supervised and cross-domain performance.

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