Department of Software and Computing Systems


Title:"Single Interface for Music Score Searching and Analysis Project" Import to your calendar:
Presenter:Ichiro Fujinaga - McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Venue:Salón de Grados, EPS I
Date&time:11:30 02/11/2015
Estimated duration:1:00 hora
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Iñesta Quereda, José Manuel (inesta[Perdone'm]
A thousand years of music print and manuscript sits on the shelves of
libraries and museums around the globe. While on-line digitization programs
are opening these collections to a global audience, digital images are only
the beginning of true accessibility since the musical content of these images
cannot be searched by computer. The goal of the Single Interface for Music
Score Searching and Analysis project (SIMSSA: is to teach
computers to recognize the musical symbols in these images and assemble
the data on a single website, making it a comprehensive search and analysis
system for online musical scores. Based on the optical music recognition (OMR)
technology, we are creating an infra-structure and tools for processing music
documents, transforming vast music collections into symbolic representations
that can be searched, studied, analyzed, and performed.

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